Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Justia's mission is to advance the availability of legal resources for the benefit of society. We are especially focused on making primary legal materials and community resources free and easy to find on the Internet. The company provides Internet users with free case law, codes, regulations, legal articles and legal blog and twitterer databases, as well as additional community resources. Justia works with educational, public interest and other socially focused organizations to bring legal and consumer information to the online community.

Justia provides premium Web site, blogging and online marketing solutions to help law firms optimize their marketing budget and provide their clients with an increased level of information and service.

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Chad Hemmat | Co-Founding, Principal Partner of Anderson Hemmat

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5613 DTC Parkway Suite 150
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Phone: (303) 782-9999  
Toll-free: (888) 492-6342  
Fax: (303) 782-9996

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