Free Case Evaluations (888) 492-6342

Free Case Evaluations Are Standard, We Go Above and Beyond

I'm here to tell you that having a law firm tell you that you should come see them because they'll give you a free case evaluation, and they'll meet with you for free, and it won't cost you anything unless they get you a recovery. In our industry, that's a lot like a frozen yogurt shop saying, "Come into our frozen yogurt shop, and we'll actually give you one of those little sample cups for free". I'm here to tell you that in our industry everyone gets free consultations, and every pi law firm will give you a free case evaluation.

With the exception of our law firm, what I think you're going to hear in that free consultation are lots of words, and those words in that free consultation are all going to be motivated for them to tell you that they're the only law firm to handle this matter for you. Lawyers are good at talking. They're going to be very convincing when they want you to sign on the dotted line, and they've brought you in under this "free consultation" they're going to be very convincing. We take a different approach.

At our law firm, you can get on our website, and you can request that a former or current client of our law firm call you to answer your questions. Rather than hearing it from a lawyer in the free consultation, why don’t you hear it from the people we've represented for all these years? Now, I don’t know any law firm, other than ours, who offers you that. Give it a try today by clicking the "Speak with Our Clients" button you can find on the right side of our web site.

POST TAGS: The Anderson Hemmat Difference


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Free Case Evaluations Are Standard, We Go Above and Beyond

Office Locations:

Denver Office

5613 DTC Parkway #150
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Colorado Springs

102 S. Tejon Street #1100
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Fort Collins

155 E. Boardwalk Dr. #400
Fort Collins, CO 80525


1635 Foxtrail Drive #324
Loveland, CO 80538


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